Happy Fourth of July


By Dan Domsic

For as long as I can remember, family and friends always ended up at my home in Lake County for the Fourth of July.

There’s always a quick dash to get every ready, and the guest always trickle in throughout the afternoon as the hot sun beats down on the backyard.

The grill gets going, and the smell of cooking burgers and hot dogs wafts across the entire scene. Everyone laughs and talks and enjoys the company.

After moving more than 150 miles away, these memories and traditions are more important to me now than they ever were.

At the end of the day, we have our families to fall back on for help, support and guidance – a serious notion masked by cheeseburgers and sparklers.

Enjoy what’s most important to you this year. I know I’ll be celebrating freedom, friends and family.

Happy Fourth of July!
