Porn is Bad



Porn is NOT harmless.  Danielle Wilson’s recent article is titled “Seriously, What’s so bad about it?” Well, I will tell you what’s so bad about it. Anne Frank and Judy Blume aside, pornography has had a seriously negative affect on our entire society, especially for women. Porn is not just a matter of innocent fantasy limited to pages in Penthouse, a gateway drug so to speak. It leads ultimately to the objectification of women and shapes how women are treated by men in society. It also has damaging effects on relationships and marriage. Porn addiction has been steadily rising as the internet makes it so easy to access – 68 million internet engine searches a day. The average age of first exposure to porn is 11! Statistically speaking our world is awash in porn. It is a $57 billion dollar industry, $3 billion generated from child porn alone. In this “hook-up” culture we have created with our youth, women’s dignity has gone by the wayside and pornography has taken on mainstream proportions especially on our college campuses with the initiation of Sex Week. For more about porn’s Sex Week on American college campuses I recommend Nathan Harden’s book Sex and God at Yale.

Christy Soldatis


