Democracy for all ages

COM Primrose Election 2
Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear helps Blake S. sign in before casting his ballet. Each child showed their ID card to Ditslear and he helped them find their name on the roster to sign in. (Photo provided by Jackie Bell)

Noblesville preschoolers gathered together and learned about civic responsibility and the voting process from their teachers and listened to the children’s book, Duck for President read by Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear during “Election Day at Primrose” on Nov. 2.

Ditslear shared in the celebration as students cast their votes for the 2012 Presidential Class Mascot and the Presidential Snack of the Day in the Primrose polling place (a special voting booth). The Primrose School of Noblesville, 15707 North Point Blvd., along with Primrose Schools across the country, has created this election event to help teach young children about the importance of voting and the Presidential election.

Waving rally signs touting “Voting Rocks” and “I Love to Vote,” the students voted for either Billy the Duck or Percy the Rooster as the class mascot. Billy the Duck fell short of victory to the natural born leader, Percy. The winning afternoon snack was graham crackers with icing taking preference to apples with caramel.

“Overall, it was a wonderful learning experience for all of our children,” said Jackie Bell, owner/operator of Primrose School of Noblesville.
