Letter: Reinforcing sexist ideas



The Currentoon you printed in the Sept. 9 issue of Current in Carmel is damagingly misogynist, reinforcing the sexist notion that a woman is only as valuable as her modesty. The comic depicts a woman who is mindlessly engaged in bodily pursuits (referencing both an acting career and the action of taking sexy pictures) leaving behind her brain along with her clothing.

I have a PhD in folklore and gender studies, and I can attest to the power of harmful gender stereotypes in maintaining sexist disparities in our society. The Currentoon further reinforces an attitude of victim-blaming, showing the woman as a dim-witted object who is responsible for her victimhood. Where is the discourse that places the blame where it actually rests: squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrators?

Please stop publishing this drivel so that I can lay down the mantle of humorless feminist and write in more constructive letters about how our state senator Mike Delph is defending the rather bigoted law restricting same-sex marriage and… oh, wait. I guess I still have plenty to be outraged at while I live here.

Jeana Jorgensen

