Letter: Presidential debate needs clarity



Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have two different philosophies of government.

Hillary is a socialist who promotes the redistribution of wealth through disproportionate taxation on the wealthy. Class envy is fundamental to vote in a socialized government that determines the beneficiaries of this redistribution.

While all peoples are not created equal, our Constitution guarantees the right of each citizen to equal opportunity under the law. Sadly, Edmund Burke’s statement, “there is but one law for all” is a farce considering the FBI and Department of Justice’s corrupt findings concerning Hillary Clinton’s actions when secretary of state.

In diversity there is beauty and a creativity that traditionally used to be appreciated by Americans. But the emergence of political correctness is a divider, not a unifier.

Donald Trump is a businessman who supports a free enterprise system of governance that should be fair to all Americans, one that also negotiates fair deals with other countries.

Trump wants to return to states the rights that creeping socialism is taking away. He would replace ObamaCare with interstate insurance competition that delivers better care for more people, with better choices, at lower costs. Competition will improve our health opportunities.

Competition will open up better school choices for parents, especially those trapped in inner cities. They deserve the opportunity for a good education, acquiring the skills to support themselves and get off government subsidies.

Trump will go after habitual criminals, especially illegal aliens. He is right. A nation ceases to be viable with open borders. Yet he supports legal immigration with careful vetting to assure that peaceful individuals are coming here for the right reasons.

Trump has put out a list of Supreme Court judges he would pick on the basis of interpreting the Constitution in the image of an Antonin Scalia, not judges who create law.

Clearly this election gives voters a somber choice. Absolute power does corrupt absolutely. A socialistic central government loses the diverse checks and balances designed in our constitutional framework that made this nation unique. Our nation was founded upon Judeo Christian precepts and faith allowing generations of citizens to partake, defend and appreciate this great experiment called the United States of America.

As a nation, as never before we are at the tipping point. The upcoming election will decide our future. Let’s join Franklin Graham and pray for spiritual revival and mercy from a holy but merciful God.

Wendy Brant

