Opinion: A success story


We humans are a collaborative lot. In spite of the occasional primitive provincial urges, we manage to work together in advancing our mutual interests with some regularity. It is on full display when the six distinct chambers of commerce in Hamilton County come together for the immensely popular Hamilton County Chambers Collaborative Luncheon. The chambers deploy their collective power to recruit top-shelf national speakers to address a crowd well north of 500 people. It makes good sense. By identifying common interests and challenges, these business and community leaders accomplish so very much more than might be attainable if isolated.

Speaking to the packed house at the Ritz Charles, Patricia Martin, author of RenGen: Tipping the Culture, shared her extensive research on intergenerational interaction and even more specifically on the unique attributes of the so-called Millennial Generation. She warned of predilections that the Baby-Boom and Gen X folks might carry for this new crowd of Americans that insinuate an entitled – if not outright lazy – approach to work and community involvement.

Sure, there are distinct differences regarding the application of one’s work ethic, but research shows these kids care a ton about success. In fact, it measures as the top objective of a life well lived. Being safe and free from crime was a distant second; and education followed closely as number three.

Success is a vexing term at any age. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the nuanced meaning of its attainment must most assuredly elude those who have the minimum seniority on the planet. So only in time will this word find its meaning for these young folks. But one can be bolstered by the priority placed on productivity. Won’t its mere pursuit, whether in building empires or homeless shelters, be to the benefit of us all?
