Lost cat inspires Carmel author to write children’s book

‘Lost and Alone, I Need a Home’ is available on Amazon. (Submitted photo)

By Maria Cook

Jayne Sanftleben, who has lived in Carmel more than 30 years, was recently inspired to write and publish her first children’s book,“Lost and Alone, I Need a Home.” It tells the story of a frightened and lonely lost cat who eventually finds a new owner and a loving home.

Jayne Sanftleben and her cat, Fritz, who inspired her book. (Submitted photo)

Sanftleben said the book is based on the true story of her own cat.

“Some friends of ours, who already had two cats, had another cat appear where they lived. They were friends of ours through church, and word got out that the cat needed a home, and we took him,” she said. “This is the story of him. He was lost and scared as a little cat who found a home.”

Sanftleben’s book includes full-color illustrations by artist Mark Brayer. It was published by Palmetto Publishing Group in March under the pen name Graci Hartman.

“What I’ve read is that if your name is hard to spell or remember, it’s good to use a pen name,” Sanftleben said, adding that she wants to schedule a few local events to help promote the book.

“I would like to do the library’s Local Author Fair,” she said. “I want to do the Christmas Gift and Hobby Show and then ARPO. They’re an animal adoption agency. They have different times throughout the year when you can go and adopt, and I’d like to attend some of those and try to sell my book.”

“Lost and Alone, I Need a Home” is recommended for children between the ages of 2 and 6. It can be purchased at amazon.com/Lost-Alone-I-Need-Home/dp/1641112514.

“I think it’s a heartwarming tale with a happy ending and a theme of friendship and love and maybe opening your heart to animals that need a home,” Sanftleben said.
