Current Publishing

Opinion: One is the happiest number

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Friends, happy days are here again! Or at least for a week. My husband Doo is away on a boys trip, leaving me and my lonesome behind. Woohoo! Actually, the dog is here, too, but you get my point. Six glorious nights of single-lady living!

I’ll return each evening to a beautiful bed because I will have made it that morning. The kitchen sink will be immaculate because the dishes will be where they belong — in the dishwasher. I will not be awoken intermittently from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. by snoring, grunting, breathing or “Is he experiencing a medical event?” And, randomly discarded boxers won’t be a topic of mid-level debate, nor will his definitely on-purpose turning on of all the overhead lights (those two 40-watt-bulb lamps are plenty!).

They say a man’s castle is his home – until he leaves, and the queen takes over! And this queen don’t mess around with her solo reign. I made a special Meijer trip to stock the fridge with my favorite frozen dinners, bakery goods and deli delights and purposefully did not schedule any plans outside of work. Me Time is free time, and if I decide to watch an entire season of “House Hunters International” while savoring two of Amy’s Cheese Enchiladas and a chocolate bundt, then sue me. Oh, wait, you can’t! And neither can Doo!

Will I be glad when he returns? Probably. I do still kinda like him. But am I thrilled to have the TV remote to myself and a relatively smelly smell-free bathroom? Abso-fudgin-lutely. Happy days are here again, temporarily at least, and I intend to enjoy them fully!

Peace out.

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