Current Publishing

Opinion: I can see clearly now

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Anyone else have Dolly Parton’s “Light of a Clear Blue Morning” looping in her psychological playlist? Despite still feeling utterly exhausted all the time, I have to admit to finally having a bit of hope for 2021. Let’s do this!

My mom and in-laws recently received their first COVID-19 vaccinations, easing the weight of worry I’ve carried for almost a year about their health. Although teachers are no longer on the Indiana priority list, I figure if I’ve made it this far without getting sick, the odds are in my favor that I’ll make it to summer. Go masks, over 70 percent alcohol hand sanitizer and social paranoia!

Two-thirds of my college kids are back on their respective campuses, with the last set to return in another week. Praise be! They’ve been home since Thanksgiving, eating, laundry-ing, and generally not adulting to their hearts content. While it was great to have our six-pack reunited for the holidays, even a nice Imperial IPA can skunk with too much exposure. “We love you! You’re beautiful! Don’t let the door …!” You know the drill.

The 2020 election is over. We have a new president. We have a female veep. They were both sworn in as part of a wonderfully peaceful, inspiring, and inclusive ceremony. And we were introduced to the astounding Amanda Gormon. Enough said.

I am still in bed most nights before 9 p.m., wake on Wednesdays wishing they were Fridays and require copious amounts of coffee and Netflix teen dramas to get me through, but I can see the light of clear blue morning on the horizon. Sing it, Dolly! 2021! 2021! 2021!

Peace out.

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