Current Publishing

Opinion: Miracle of Christmas survival

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Friends, congratulations. We have made it to the other side. The holidays are behind us and, at least in my six-pack, the Wilsons came through relatively unscathed. Did we have some tears? Sure. Did I flip Doo behind his back? On multiple occasions. But the tree did not fall, no one required ER services, and perhaps the miracle of all miracles, I got everything I asked for, and more.

See, I learned long ago to be crystal clear with my gift list, often just purchasing and wrapping said items myself to ensure marital harmony. But this year was a whirlwind (I blame a very late Thanksgiving), and I barely had enough time to buy everyone else’s presents, let alone my own. (Bless you, Amazon Prime). So, I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d find under the tinsel-ized tree come Christmas.

Two things were pretty much a given. The 2020 planning calendar will keep our lives on the rails and the new phone will stop the kids complaining about me never getting their text requests for cash. I also received a milk frother, which I had specifically requested back in October, and a new hallway light fixture whose hyperlink I had emailed to both my youngest daughter and mother-in-law. Again, not jaw-dropping moments. But in an extremely thoughtful gesture, Doo bought me a single-cup Keurig because he remembered me saying months ago how nice it would be to enjoy a cup of coffee at school. I know! He does listen! It almost made me feel bad about giving him the bird. Almost.

Congratulations again on surviving the holidays. Next up, dance competition season!

Peace out.

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