Current Publishing

Opinion: Another graduation jubilation

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Isurvived another high school graduation, folks, and this time I never even came close to tears. Am I a terrible mother? Did I throw out my soul with the thousands of dirty diapers I’ve changed? Or was my impressive lack of melancholy because seeing two more kiddos prepare to leaves the nest makes me outrageously giddy? Let’s explore.

Despite winning co-Mom of the Year back in 2002 (yes, it’s true), I’ve definitely dropped the parenting ball on numerous occasions. I’ve allowed naked toddlers in public libraries, forgotten middle-schoolers after practice and skipped dance competitions and color guard championships more times than I can count. I also rarely cook anything that doesn’t begin life in a Kraft box and yell at my family when they are loud past nine p.m.. (Mama needs her sleep!). But terrible mother? My twins graduated, didn’t they? And neither has been incarcerated!

And I’m not soulless. I’m stoic. If I’m going to become emotional, I much prefer the privacy of McDonald’s bathrooms and Chick-fil-A drive thrus to a stadium full of strangers. So, I suppress all feeling until I can be alone (you’re welcome, btw; I’m an awkward weeper). But that doesn’t mean I’m devoid of a soul (although being a redhead might!).

This brings us to the last possibility, that I’m simply excited to have finished the marathon of raising twins. And what a race it has been! When I remember those early days of double feedings, diaper changes and carseats, I’m amazed at how far they’ve come. And how far I’ve come.

Was I going to cry over their graduation? Absolutely not. Fist bumps were in order.

Peace out.

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