Current Publishing

Opinion: Dance mom days revival

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Friends, I have so much to share this week I don’t even know where to start. The storm that took out two of our trees and left baby raccoons stranded in our garage and bathroom wall (another raccoon story!)? The Mother’s Day debacle that caused me to seriously question the way I’ve raised my little angels (not one card, flower, or cleaned dish!)? Or the fact that I am hosting a graduation party this Thursday and never sent out invitations (although I did order a cake!)? Worthy fodder, for sure. But honestly, all of these pale in comparison to this little tidbit:

My daughter is returning to competitive dance! After a year-long hiatus, she has decided to unearth her jazz shoes and give it another go. The best part? I will be a dance mom again! And I’m not being facetious. I’m only somewhat ashamed to say that I truly missed living vicariously through my tiny dancer and could not be more thrilled to be headed back into the fray of sequined booty shorts, dressing room drama and considerable financial strain.

That still sounds snarky, but I’m speaking my truth! During her five years of competition dance, I got to know the other moms fairly well, and relying on Facebook to share in their experiences was tougher than I imagined it would be. So, when my daughter expressed similar feelings a few months back, I secretly hoped she’d change her mind. And she did!

We have until the fall before life becomes exciting again, but rest assured, friends, great stories are on the horizon (presumably without villainous raccoons and degenerate offspring)!

Peace out.

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