Current Publishing

Opinion: (Spring) breaking bad

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Me last week: Yay! Our oldest is coming home from college!

Me today: Yay! Our oldest is going back to college!

Am I right? I love my IU freshman, but after nine days of G’s non-stop talking and eating, I’m ready for a return to normalcy (history buffs, whose presidential campaign slogan did I just co-opt?).

First of all, the foot traffic here has increased tenfold. Our house has become the place to watch basketball, play video games and bake blackberry pies for apparently all spring breakers in the tri-county area. This means additional runs to Meijer for milk, Red Baron pizzas and butter, and an everlasting tower of dishes in the kitchen. Unlike Ike, me no like (boom! I just dropped another iconic election jingle on you!).

We’ve also had to manage several fights over the third car. Though technically G’s, our high school juniors have been using it for work and practice. I’ve suddenly been thrust into carpool mode again, forced to orchestrate pick-up and drop-off times and navigate a ridiculous number of roundabouts. Happy days are not here again (I’m on a roll, people!).

Finally, of all ours kids, G talks the most, the loudest and the closest. He loves to sidle his 6-foot-3 frame next to me and discuss politics, sports and his accounting class at high decibel levels for hours. Cute, I know, but I’ve gotten use to short texts and the occasional call for money. I can’t handle the eardrum-busting, close-talks anymore.

So yes, I’m thrilled G is going back today. I need to make the remaining Wilson family great again (yep, I went there).

Peace out.

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