Current Publishing

Opinion: Food for thought

feature willson

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

A few weeks back, I wrote a column about one of my sons deciding not to make his Catholic confirmation. I actually thought nothing more of it until I started receiving a ton of emails, both good and bad. What was my take-away? People are reading me! During the summer! And if they are getting worked up over a rather non-controversial issue like a teenager’s choice of faith, imagine what would happen if I gave them something really write-the-editor worthy.

Like if I addressed the upcoming election and why I’ll be voting for Hillary. Yes, Hillary! Of course, politics can turn nasty in a heartbeat, so perhaps I should withhold my rather low opinion of “The Donald” and discuss matters of a less divisive nature.

Would my support of gay marriage strike a chord in our conservative suburban bubble? I like to think not, but I know my audience. Maybe I could write at length on the reasons I’m both Catholic and pro-choice, a seemingly glaring contradiction until I explained my views. Which, unfortunately, I won’t be doing right now because I have bigger fish to fry. Another time, then.

I could always rant about the deplorable state of public education and the appalling treatment of its teachers, but people around here tend to put in their ear plugs whenever that topic is broached. Maybe I should stick with mom issues, which are, without question, my forte. I could easily pen a whole book on why epidurals, infant formula and letting your 2-year old watch Nemo for 17 minutes so that you can swallow a pretzel nugget and sponge-bathe your pits are all okay. Seriously. It’s maternal survival before pre-school applications, my friends, and don’t let anyone shame you into doing otherwise.

Have I honked enough people off yet? I feel as though I’m just getting started. I have yet to mention immunizations, Black Lives Matter, gun control or Daenerys Targaryan’s claim to the Iron Throne, all of which I strongly support.

A little food for thought during the last weeks of summer. Enjoy your meal! Peace out.

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