Current Publishing

Fishers High School plans annual Silver Spotlight Show Choir Invitational

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Fishers High School will host the annual Silver Spotlight show choir competition Feb, 3. (Photo courtesy of Leilani Alberty)

High school show choirs from around central Indiana will gather at Fishers High School Feb. 3 for the school’s annual Silver Spotlight Show Choir Invitational.

Performances will run from 8 a.m. through late evening during the event hosted at the school, 13000 Promise Rd. FHS Show Choir booster and parent Allen McCaskill said performances will include groups from Lawrence, Noblesville, Franklin, Center Grove, Riverside, Pendleton Heights and, of course, Fishers.

Leilani Alberty is the Silver Spotlight 2024 Coordinator. She said this year’s event is the 14th Silver Spotlight hosted by the school, and will feature 20 show choir groups from eight different schools.

“Show choir encourages a community of teenagers who love to perform, creates lasting friendships and motivates students to grow and explore outside their comfort zones,” she said. “Although winning is an aspect, more than winning, students thrive for synchrony and to demonstrate the best version of their yearlong efforts, memorizing, perfecting, synchronizing, sweat and dedication.”

Senior Hannah DeCaudin is co-president of Electrum, FHS’s large mixed show choir. She has been in show choir four years and said this is her fourth and final Silver Spotlight.

“The biggest difference between Spotlight and other competitions mainly is that we host different choirs and are not actually competing,” she said. “Spotlight serves as an exhibition for both Sound (univoice) and Electrum, so we can get feedback and get a run at our home stage with a lot of support from the community before we go out and compete.”

Fishers High School Senior Claire McCaskill is co-president of the FHS Sound large univoice show choir. (Photo courtesy of Allen McCaskill Photography)

Senior Claire McCaskill is co-president of Sound, the school’s large univoice show choir. Like DeCaudin, she also has been in show choir since her freshman year in high school.

“I have participated in many Silver Spotlights,” she said. “This event is different than other performances because it’s our first time we are able to showcase our set for the year. I don’t want to give it away, so I won’t say much, but we have a very special performance planned that has been one of my favorites to take part in.”

McCaskill said the event also is one of the first opportunities to see what other schools have prepared for the season.

As the host school, FHS students are in charge of coordinating all the other schools, making sure everyone gets to where they need to be and running concessions, DeCaudin said.

She said she loves the sense of community she gets from participating in show choir, and the opportunity it provided to grow as a person.

“I have been able to watch myself grow up from a little 14-year-old freshman to the 18-year-old woman I am now within the walls of that choir room,” she said. “Within choir, I have been able to grow so much confidence and leadership skills that will be able to help me immensely in the future. If my little freshman self-found out she was president of her show choir senior year she would’ve never believed it. Show choir isn’t just about singing and dancing and having a good time. Show choir helps you find yourself and who you are meant to be.”

McCaskill agreed and added that singing and dancing is a passion of hers, and she looks forward to the event because she’ll be surrounded by others who feel the same way.

“I believe the community and friendships I have made will last me forever,” she said, “It is such a unique experience, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.”

Alberty said that awards will be given at the end of the competition for different categories including Grand Champion, 1st and 2nd Runner-Up, Best Vocals, Best Visuals, Best Band. Overall Best Costume and Overall Best Stage Crew.

All-day passes to the event are $15 each. For more, visit

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