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Letter: Irvine a superb city council candidate

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This letter constitutes a strong endorsement for Jessica Irvine, a superb candidate for Carmel City Council.

As a longtime local resident, she is vested in the community, understands the challenges Carmel faces, and is willing to take on those challenges in order that Carmel continue to be a community that feels comfortable and livable to long-term residents. And likewise for newcomers who have been drawn here by Carmel’s many positives.

She speaks extremely well, but more importantly, she listens, and will carry forward community concerns forcefully and energetically but without malice toward those with whom she disagrees.

Of particular not, she has been involved for quite some time now, ex-officio, with an issue that is of growing importance to a huge number of us: preserving Carmel greenspace. Specifically, she recently spoke eloquently to help stave off the destruction of over 2.5 acres of forested area at 96th Street and Haverstick Road.

I’m convinced that she will engage with her constituents to effectively address the problems about which our community is most concerned.

Gordon Goodwin, Carmel

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