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Letter: Jogging sculpture does not represent women

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As an avid and competitive runner that competes at many races, I want to voice my concern about the new “female runner” sculpture. At first sight, I was indifferent, but after reflecting on it, I’m disappointed. That sculpture does not represent women. I feel it emphasizes a stereotype that women are casual athletes. I feel this appears to be a woman from the 1970s.  From her happy facial expression to her “outfit,” she does not represent, in my opinion, a 2023 female runner.

Female athletes are fierce. We are mothers, grandmothers, daughters and sisters.  While some do exercise socially and casually, most of us are out there before the sunrise, after carpool drop off and after work. We sweat. We race. We push ourselves. We have formed a community on roads, trails and paths. We have 1,000 different body types and reasons for running, but our commonality is with each step we take, we are building a future for ourselves and other young women. We are knocking down stereotypes and gender inequality with every mile we log.

There is nothing about this sculpture that reveals the true fierceness of a woman.  Nothing that celebrates a woman. Every time I pass that sculpture, I am reminded of what I need to do to make sure my daughter’s and other girls’ futures are not equated to that image of a woman.

Sarah Awe, Carmel

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