Current Publishing

Current Q&A: Getting to know Danyele Easterhaus

Danyele Easterhaus is executive director of Student Impact of Westfield, an organization that provides after-school programming for children in Grades 5 through 12 in Westfield Washington Township.

What is your best habit, and what is your worst?

“Best, (reading) Bible before bed every night. Worst, eating my feelings.”


Do you have a hidden talent?

“I am a photographer.”

What do you do when you’re stuck?

“I wait (and) go back later.”

Is there a book that you recommend to everyone?

“’Undistracted’ by Bob Goff.”

Is there a businessperson you admire? Why?

“Danielle Carey Tolan. Danielle leads with character and strength and passion. She develops people for who they want to become.”

Do you have a favorite podcast?

“’Crime Junkies.’”

What is your biggest indulgence?

“Frangos from Macy’s at home. Out, definitely desserts from Rail.”

How do you relieve stress?

“I do deep breathing a lot. But if I have time, I love to read a book.”

What is your favorite drink?

“It depends on time of day. Coffee with cream in the morning. Iced tea most of the time, sometimes a Diet Coke. And a Preservation Fizz for a drink out from Rail.”

Do you have a favorite meal in town?

“Rail burger with potato salad.”

What is your go-to song to get pumped up?

“’Our Song’ by Taylor Swift.”

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