Current Publishing

Flexware Innovation acquired by Hitachi Global

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Flexware Innovation, Inc., a Fishers-based technology company, was acquired Aug. 31 by Hitachi Global, a Japanese manufacturing corporation.

The acquisition will accelerate Hitachi’s North American shop floor operations and enterprise systems, according to the company. While it is now under Hitachi, Flexware Innovation headquarters will remain in Fishers.

Flexware Innovation has been a leading manufacturing Systems Integrator since 1996. The partnership is expected to help strengthen business for Flexware Innovation, with Hitachi now owning the company.

Moreover, Flexware Innovation will also grow its manufacturing execution systems, supervisory control and data acquisition software development, business intelligence and enterprise resource planning implementation capabilities across North America to help leaders increase corporate value, according to Hitachi Global.

Supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created a need for quality and productivity improvements across all industry sectors that Hitachi plans to address by creating new business value by using products in operational technology and information technology.

The new acquisition will expand Flexware Innovation’s customer reach through parent company Hitachi as well as new sibling partnerships it brings, such as JR Animation, a full-service creative studio that specializes in animation, Flexware president and CEO Scott Whitlock said.

“Now, we have a parent company that is super excited about what we’re doing and wants us to continue to deliver the types of services that we have in the past for our customers, just potentially on a bigger level, a bigger stage with more backing,” Whitlock said. “Just the sheer ecosystem that we’ll be living in now will be a wider opportunity with a larger audience base for us.”

Whitlock said the two companies shared have values and how they treat employees.

“We built a tremendous team here that will have opportunities many years into the future, Whitlock said. “Hitachi is a great company that cares deeply about their people, as do we. So overall, I’m just super excited about the opportunities for our team to stay engaged to grow and to solve bigger problems for our customers.”

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