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Letter: No imprimaturs needed 

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As the national Moms for Liberty is active in Hamilton County, it is important to consider what they do or don’t stand for. In Florida, as Moms for Liberty’s attempts to ban books like Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse Five,” Moms for Liberty claims to be “dedicated to promoting the ideals of liberty, individual rights, limited government and parental rights within the education system.” But the actions of Moms for Liberty, in this case and in Carmel, demonstrate that the organization is dedicated to just the opposite: limiting liberty, limiting individual rights, unlimited government in controlling what is read and limiting parental rights in education to their own memberships’ views. 

One of their claims is that they only want to remove content that “violates child obscenity laws from school libraries.” As I have cited before, if that is the case, they should be banning the Bible from school, church and public libraries. The Bible is replete with obscenity and violence. Moms for Liberty does not speak for, nor represent, all parents in Carmel, Florida, anywhere! 

Moms for Liberty, I, and others can feel free to read the Bible unexpurgated. I and others in school or out, in libraries, in our homes must be free to read other often-banned books, such as “Slaughterhouse Five,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” “Lawn Boy,” “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “The Color Purple,” “Catcher in the Rye,” “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” “Catch 22,” “Harry Potter,” “All Quiet on the Western Front,” “The Grapes of Wrath,” etc. No imprimaturs from Moms for Liberty needed. 

Bruce Braden, Carmel

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