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Priority Physicians prepares to expand with move to Carmel in June

CIC HEALTH 0322 Priority Physicians

Priority Physicians plans to move to 12174 N. Meridian St. in June. (Photo courtesy of Priority Physicians)

By Chris Bavender

Priority Physicians will open a new office in Carmel in late June. The office will replace the current location on Naab Road in Indianapolis near the St. Vincent Hospital campus.

“We have outgrown the Naab Road facility. We have been on a waitlist to have new patients to join us for almost two years now,” said Joe Rizzuto, the group’s chief operating officer. “Our other office in Fishers has been growing mightily, but there definitely was a strong need and a lot of interest in expanding capacity at the northside location.

“By getting out of that building (on Naab Road), we will significantly increase square feet and open doors.”

The new facility at 12174 N. Meridian St., Suite 300, is 45 percent larger than the Naab Road facility with 14,000 square feet of space. It will allow Priority Physicians, which operates with a concierge medicine model, to add up to 10 team members, including four doctors, during the next five years while continuing to preserve a ratio of no more than 250 allowable patients per physician.

“It will certainly let us address the wait list out there and give us some room to grow over the next several years,” Rizzuto said. “We will also be able to have a second procedure room so we can do more simultaneously for folks, so that also helps. The on-site pharmacy will also be larger.”

For more about a personal, family or business concierge medical membership, or to learn more about Priority Physicians’ offices in Carmel and Fishers, call 317-688-9000 (Indianapolis) or 317-415-9900 (Fishers), or visit

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