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Letter: Toxic platform, behavior shouldn’t be ignored

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I am writing to share my dismay with your lengthy coverage on Alvin Lui and Unify Carmel. While I certainly understand that we can and should listen to dissenting voices and hear opposing points of view, this organization has shown us over time that they are not interested in anything but division and drama.

It was interesting to read Mr. Lui’s comments that had a professional, smooth and diplomatic finish and appeared to be an attempt to legitimize his organization and its actions and make it palatable. If you happen to follow his posts on social media or what his group shares in the way of memes and opinions, or their behavior in a public setting, it is anything but an organization with goodwill and intentions towards our community and is not professional in the least.

An organization that needs to lead with psychological manipulation techniques and skewed data and misinformation to make points doesn’t have any interest other than power and politics. They have attacked teachers and school board members who are our neighbors, who live in and have dedicated much to our community. This individual does not know anything about Carmel schools, much like most of the members of his organization.

I have had two children in the CCS school system for eight years now, and I am so impressed by the staff, curriculum and the teacher’s dedication to their students and excellence. What they have done, especially through a pandemic, is nothing short of remarkable, especially with the limited resources they have to work with – resources that no doubt Unify Carmel would like to shrink even further.

It has been clear over time that Unify does not have the best interest of our community in mind, and really doesn’t even know our community. Ask yourselves, why would an organization be formed to target one of the most successful public school systems in our state? And why is it led by someone who doesn’t have any experience with this school system? Please consider these realities as our local news source. You seem to work so hard to legitimize them and ignore their toxic platform and behavior.

Meghan Adkins, Carmel

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