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Letter: Students prove our society will be fine

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For all the waywardness involving our school system and the toed-sand line upon which you may stand, fear not, a child still possesses much intuition to do good. No matter the actions of our parental role models hypocritically doing as they do, not as they say, our children find a way.

Therefore, if you are beat down by social and school issues of book content, CRT, school board, or others, take a moment and find beauty in what we do have. Attending a unified football game of Carmel High School washes away the deepest of negativity with grace, joy and mountains of thankfulness.

To the Carmel High School Unified football team, thank you. For the Carmel High School Unified cheerleaders, thank you. And to one special cheerleader, you instill faith that our earth and societies will be just fine, no matter how much some adults try to mess it up.

T.J. O’Malley, Carmel

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