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Pfizer/BioNTech booster shots available in Indiana

CIF COVID 19 Vaccine Web

Fishers Health Dept. officials said they expect to receive doses of the COVID-19 vaccine within the next several weeks. (Photo illustration)

The Indiana State Dept. of Health announced Sept. 24 that Pfizer/BioNTech booster shots are available to eligible Hoosiers.

On Sept. 23, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the administration of a Pfizer/BioNTech booster dose to counter waning immunity in specific populations. On Wednesday, the Food and Drug Administration expanded its emergency use authorization to include the boosters. Previously, the FDA also had authorized a third dose of mRNA vaccines for immunocompromised individuals.

The single booster dose can be administered at least six months after completion of the second dose and applies only to individuals who previously received the Pfizer vaccine. Individuals who received the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines are not eligible at this time.

According to the ISDH, which cites the CDC:

Eligible Hoosiers who want to receive a booster dose can go to and search for a site that has the Pfizer vaccine, which is designated by PVAX, or call 211 for assistance. Hoosiers are encouraged to bring their vaccination card to their appointment to ensure that the booster dose is added.

Upon arriving at the vaccination clinic, Hoosiers will be asked to attest that they meet the eligibility requirements listed above. Beginning Monday, that attestation will be incorporated into the online appointment registration at

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