Current Publishing

Zionsville schools officials: Contingency funds for high school expansion, new elementary school mostly untapped

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Zionsville Middle School, pictured, and all other Zionsville seconday schools might move to a five-day-a-week, in-person schedule if current county COVID-19 metrics remain stable, ZCS Supt. Scott Robison said. (Photo by Jarred Meeks)

Construction on two Zionsville schools will continue into the academic year, and district officials said the projects has only sparingly used contingency money, meaning the projects might be finished with funds that can be appropriated for other projects in the district.

In 2015, Zionsville Community Schools officials approved plans for a remodel of Zionsville Community High School and the construction of Trailside Elementary School, which is set to open soon, because they expected student populations to outgrow facilities by next year.

To date, construction of Trailside is more than halfway complete, officials announced at the district’s Sept. 13 board of trustees meeting. Many aspects of construction have been completed, including site utilities, asphalt paving at County Road 875 E., concrete walks and curbs, bulkhead framing of the cafeteria and gym and domestic water piping in the kitchen. In the next two months, metal stud framing and drywall will be completed in all areas, along with roofing and other projects. Officials expect the school to open in August 2022.

Victor Landfair, vice president of Skillman Corp., the construction company overseeing the construction projects, said only 11 percent of the elementary school’s $1 million contingency budget has been used to date.

“Normally, we’ll utilize more in the beginning of the project,” Landfair said. “That’s always good. That means we will hopefully be able to reallocate those dollars to other priorities in the district.”

To date, 9.6 percent of the high school expansion’s $1.5 million contingency budget has been used.

Expansion of the high school is approximately 17 percent complete, Landfair said. Construction started in the spring. To date, the south addition’s structural steel and masonry scaffolding have been completed and so has the storm detention and stone backfill of the north storm trap, among other projects. In the next 60 days, reclaim work on the south detention pond is expected to be completed, as are exterior masonry walls, exterior wall framing and metal and membrane roofing at the south addition.

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