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Letter: Disturbed by revelations at school board meeting

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As a resident of Carmel for nearly 20 years, I am disturbed to say the least at what was revealed at the July 26 Carmel Clay Schools board meeting during the public comment period.   The excerpts of material read from books maintained in Carmel school libraries or classrooms was appalling.   

Even more disturbing was the superintendent’s reaction that such things should be raised privately with him rather than in a public setting. Perhaps the standard to be set for acquiring books and media by the schools should be that one can read this book in public and not be ashamed or embarrassed. What is happening to our schools, which were once known for their academic excellence?

My children are thankfully grown, but none of us should take this lightly. What is happening today in the Carmel schools is breaking down the moral fabric of our city and will have long-term consequences. I encourage every parent, especially in elementary and middle schools, to seek a list of books maintained in the classroom by every teacher who teaches your child. If you find something objectionable, make your voice heard.

Debra Minott, Carmel

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