Current Publishing

State of the County address set for June 29

Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger’s State of the County luncheon always draws a large crowd.

So naturally, the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce wanted to delay the traditional January event until COVID-19 restrictions were eased so that more people could attend. The luncheon is set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 29 at the Embassy Suites. This is the first large-scale event the chamber has held since March 2020.


“With the type of presentation I give with a lot of visuals, they really wanted to have it in person,” Dillinger said. “It’s normally the biggest event (the chamber) has all year. We’re hoping for a big turnout.”

Dillinger has given the State of the County address each year since becoming a Hamilton County Commissioner in 1989.

“I’m the commissioner from Noblesville, so they’ve always asked me to do it,” Dillinger said.

Dillinger will discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and how the government handled it.

He said he will pay tribute to Barry McNulty, the Hamilton County Health Dept. administrator, who died Dec. 17, 2020 after battling COVID-19 for nearly a month.

“I’ll be talking about our Triple-A bond rating, which is one of the few in the state,” Dillinger said. “We’ll talk about how our tax rate is the lowest in the state.”

Dillinger’s infrastructure presentation will focus on the progress of Ind. 37 and the completion of 126th Street.

“I’ll go into the  (Ind.) 37 project in a lot of detail because to me that’s the most important thing going on in the county right now,” he said.

Dillinger will discuss progress on the five-story parking garage at 225 N. 9th St. in Noblesville. He plans quick updates on the Noblesville Parks and Recreation Dept. and Riverview Health.

“Since I’m vice president of Indianapolis Airport Authority board, I always give a quick update on what is going on with them and all the awards it keeps winning,” Dillinger said.

The speech usually runs 35 to 45 minutes.

“We do a lot of visuals for the speech, data for the costs and overruns,” Dillinger said. “We try to make it a show more than a governmental speech.

To register for luncheon, visit

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