Current Publishing

Westfield Chamber of Commerce event puts focus on nonprofits

CIW COM 0601 share the love

From left, Student Impact of Westfield staff Brittany Delph, Danyele Easterhaus and Samantha Clark. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

Westfield Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Steve Latour figured the Indianapolis Executive Airport would give the organization’s Share the Love event tables room to spread out.

Latour said 24 organizations and nonprofits participated at the Zionsville airport.

“When we started planning in December (2020), we chose this location because we thought with COVID-19 we could have the open door,” Latour said. “I think the venue worked out great. I think we are going to work on ways to promote it more in the community, so we can have more people attend it. We’ll tweak it.”

Latour said 70 people registered for the event with all but three showing up.

The event is presented like a fair where people visit tables to learn about the nonprofits.

The nonprofits covered services for youth to senior citizens.

Student Impact serves students fifth through 12th grade after school from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for those who live in the Westfield Washington Schools district.

“Student Impact provides a safe and consistent place for kids after school where we build leadership and relationships with each other,” Executive Director Danyele Easterhaus said.

Student Life Director Samantha Clark said students are served a hot meal each day.

“We give them fruits, veggies and snacks,” Clark said. “We really give them free rein to do any of the activities that we have at that time, whether that’s board games or different sports. We have video games and an entire art room for students. We have something.”

Brittany Delph is the community development director.

“Samantha works with the student side of things while Brittany does community outreach, bringing other people into Student Impact and sending other kids out into the community to serve,” Easterhaus said.

Easterhaus said the nonprofit serves 150 to 200 kids per week. Mondays and Fridays are for high school students. Tuesday and Wednesday are for intermediate school students and Thursdays and Fridays are for middle school students.

In June, Student Impact holds Camp Ethos, a summer camp. There also is a recreational basketball program for grades seventh to 12th operating out of Grand Park’s Pacers Athletic Center from November to February.

For more, visit

On the other end of the age spectrum, Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County serves those 55 and over living independently.

Carolyn Omori, Shepherd’s Center region resources manager, said it is beneficial to have the opportunity to bring awareness to what the Noblesville-based nonprofit does.

“Our mission is to keep seniors living in their home as long as possible, living independently,” Omori said. “Also, to remove anything that is not safe in their home and remove any type of isolation. As Hamilton County grows, we live longer, so there are definitely more and more seniors.”

Omori said Shepherd’s Center was looking for volunteers and clients.

“Volunteers could be phone volunteers, friendly visitors and people to help with transportation for doctors’ visits or library,” she said. “They could help with Our Together Today program to help with isolation.”

Omori said church groups help create care baskets with toiletries.

“Just to say you’re thought of, you’re loved and you’re not forgotten,” she said.

For more, visit

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