Current Publishing

Opinion: Just FYI from AARP

Dick Wolfsie

Dick Wolfsie

I just received my 304th copy of the AARP Bulletina publication that has arrived in my mailbox every month since I turned 50. I didn’t read it when I was in my 50s because I resented being seen as a senior then. Now I’m in my 70s and I don’t want anyone telling me how to eat healthy, boost my brain power, sleep well, improve my memory or how to choose the best walk-in tub.

In the May issue, I glanced at the lead article: “60 Ways to Live Longer, Stronger, Better.”

Here are some of the actual entries, with a few snide comments by me, added in parentheses.

Take a Do Not Disturb Break: Close your eyes for five minutes and don’t open them for anyone (I tried that this past Friday just before I heard the Amazon delivery truck pull up. I raced outside to get my new headphones and collided with my mailbox).

Store fruit in the front of the fridge: You will be more apt to eat a healthy snack that way(but now I’ve stepped on all the blueberries that scattered all across the kitchen floor when I jammed my arm inside the top shelf to reach the Oscar Mayer Bologna).

Do the dishwasher boogie: Do what you hate and turn it into a party. For example, dance in front of the dishwasher as you load it. This will remind you both how much fun you can have together (Mary Ellen and I waltzed around the recycling bin after we rolled it to the curb Sunday night. The neighbors all laughed at us because they knew pickup wasn’t until next week).

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