Current Publishing

Letter: CCS made the right decision in hiring DEI professional

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Allon Friedman’s letter (in the March 16 edition of Current in Carmel) highlights for all of us how far we have to go as a nation. Some white Americans want so ardently to believe that their version of America is available to all, they will fight overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

He represents the most frightened of a shrinking sector, certain that something they’ve earned will be taken from them. Our nation was built to progress, and false narratives rooted in the loss of existential power only hold us back.

I wholly support the hiring of Carmel DEI professionals, and I pray my children are not handed the same “white”-washed history I was given in the ’80s. Allon Friedman, you can work to create a nation where everyone actually does have the same opportunities, or you can find a time machine and go backwards. There is no place for you in my better America.

Lori Fulk, Carmel

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