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Letter: Let Orchard Park remain a place for students to learn

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I am a junior in high school attending Wisdom Builders Homeschool Co-op. Wisdom Builders provides a variety of classes for K-12 students. Classes offered at Wisdom Builders only meet a couple days a week, allowing students to learn time-management skills as they complete schoolwork during the week. Since Wisdom Builders is becoming more popular, it has outgrown the space with more than 400 students attending. Wisdom Builders has been looking for a new building to offer more space for students to learn and grow to their fullest capability.

Starting in June 2021, Orchard Park Elementary will be empty, and as of now, Carmel Clay Schools has no plans for the building after it becomes vacant. As a student residing in the City of Carmel, I think Carmel Clay Schools should allow Wisdom Builders to rent the building as an official meeting place.

Allowing Wisdom Builders to rent Orchard Park Elementary would benefit Carmel. Wisdom Builders, would lift a burden off of Carmel taxpayers since the property would receive income, Wisdom Builders would be able to maintain the value of Orchard Park Elementary by upkeep of the property and Wisdom Builders would utilize the building the way it was made to be used. Why have a building just sit there rather than it be a place where students could learn and grow in new ways?

I hope you consider the amazing opportunity that Carmel could have if Orchard Park Elementary became a place for students to learn and grow.

Molly Miller, Carmel

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