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Letter: Expecting more from Carmel police

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Recently, my wife’s car was broken into in a west Carmel retail parking lot. There were eyewitnesses who called the police during the incident; a left-behind crowbar in her car; video of the incident by a local retailer; video evidence of the people cashing fraudulent checks from her checkbook at the bank branches; video evidence at several retailers where they used her credit cards; and a description of the getaway car that had a bent license plate.

After allowing Carmel police to investigate the case, I emailed an officer for an update and was told it was closed due to no evidence. He also would not discuss the case with me. I feel bad for our community if this is the best our Carmel police force can do with this much evidence. As an executive in our community, I would have hoped for a better result and better communication from our law enforcement.

Brian Morris, Carmel

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