Current Publishing

Letter: Disappointed by disinformation 

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I can’t believe you guys published Terry McConnell’s letter alleging election fraud (Feb. 9). Current needs to reexamine its journalistic code of ethics. Publishing letters supporting and opposing the ADU ordinance is elevating first amendment-protected opinion; publishing election fraud accusations is holding a megaphone up to the guy shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre — or, more accurately, outside the Capitol building. 

Even social media sites, an ostensible bastion of free speech and expression since their creation, realized in recent years that they had to draw the line against willfully dangerous disinformation. Terry McConnell cites zero facts or sources. You didn’t publish an opinion piece; you published a disinformation piece. I would expect the Current to reject any letter baselessly claiming that stop signs don’t have to be obeyed or that people with diabetes should stop taking insulin or that people should arm themselves and invade city hall. So why are you content to foment this mob?

Reid Libby, Carmel 

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