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Hamilton County official named Outstanding Supportive County Administrator of the Year

Front, from left, Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger, Dan Stevens, Kendall Culp. Back, from left, Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman and Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt. (Submitted photo)

Hamilton County Director of Administration Dan Stevens was recently named the 2020 Outstanding Supportive County Administrator of the Year by the Indiana Association of County Commissioners.

Stevens previously served as Hamilton County Sheriff for eight years, and he has served as the director of administration for the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners for the past 14 years.

“It is difficult to put into words how valuable Dan’s work and dedication has been to the citizens of Hamilton County,” Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger stated. “His service has been instrumental in guiding and managing the growth and success of the county and his attention to detail has gained the respect of all.”

Stevens is an active member and leader within many civic groups including the Scottish Rite, Murat Shrine, Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Association, and the Noblesville Noon Kiwanis. He also has been a member of the Noblesville Elks Club, Noblesville Moose, Hamilton County F.O.P. Lodge 103, Riverview Hospital Foundation Board, Chaucie’s Place and the Hamilton County Correction Advisory Board. Stevens is a lifetime member of the Indiana Sheriff’s Association.

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