Current Publishing

465 Challenge to benefit Indiana Children’s Wish Fund

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Regardless of your fitness level, running a complete loop around Interstate 465 is a daunting — but not impossible — challenge.

At least, it’s not unachievable the way organizers of the 465 Challenge have mapped the 53-mile interstate that circles Indianapolis.

Presented by Westfield-based Vision Event Management, the 465 Challenge – which debuted last year — is a virtual “run” around I-465. Participants can complete the loop at their own speed, in their own time, through any exercise of their choosing, including walking, biking and swimming.

“Any form of intentional exercise,” said Jeff Graves, a Carmel resident who owns Vision Event Management, a company that manages running events. “We also have a conversion chart for those that do yoga, CrossFit, or those types of exercises that are harder to track miles.”

Besides offering a way to get fit or maintain fitness, this year’s 465 Challenge also benefits the Indiana Children’s Wish Foundation, a nonprofit that grants wishes to Indiana children, ages 3 to 18, who have life-threatening or terminal illnesses.

Registration is open through Feb. 28. Basic and premium options are available. The basic package ($24.99) includes a commemorative 465 Challenge sticker; membership in a private Facebook group; a customized bib; a personalized finisher’s certificate; and weekly motivational emails. The premium package ($44.99) includes everything in the basic package along with a 465 Challenge slider finisher’s medal and choice of a women’s tank or men’s ringer T-shirt.

The 465 Challenge, which begins Jan. 1, will donate $1 of every registration fee to the Indiana Children’s Wish Fund. The fundraising goal is $10,000.

“Events like these are a great way for charities to get great exposure to audiences they might not otherwise reach,” said Graves, who also is the race director. “The event will encourage participants to donate and fundraise for the Indiana Children’s Wish Foundation.”

In 2020, 945 people participated in the inaugural 465 Challenge. So far, residents from 11 states have already registered for the 2021 event.

For more or to register, visit

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