Current Publishing

Opinion: Something funny about 2020

Dick Wolfsie

Dick Wolfsie

According to the cover of the Dec. 14 edition of Time magazine, the year 2020 was “The Worst Year Ever.”

Sad to say, there is a lot of truth in that for many of us, but I have sought for the last 50 weeks to find humor in a world that desperately needs some laughs. So, as I do every year at this time, here is a quick look back at a few of my most comment-generating columns of the past year. In this case, hindsight really is 2020. So, thanks to…

Finally, to WISH-TV. The day I retired after 30 years, I said to my boss it seemed like just yesterday that I had no idea what camera to look into, and that I felt nervous and unprepared for my segment on the air.

“That was yesterday,” he said.

Have a great 2021, everybody!

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