Current Publishing

Letter: Voices of ‘true taxpayers’ diluted in Carmel

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During my perusal of the Nov. 17 edition, I noticed the reporting that “half of presidential votes in Carmel went to Biden.” Since I don’t believe in or trust what is proffered today as journalism, I find that statement interesting and misleading all in the same breath.

Would it not have been better to report what the voter breakdown was between actual property owners in Carmel versus the overabundance of transient apartment dwellers that we have now? That is a more poignant topic — voters with little to no liability of property taxes tend to throw wisdom to the wind and want all kinds of freebies and other asinine programs that have bankrupted many major cities. And by golly, all of those bankrupt cities tend to be heavily Democrat. Had you reported it correctly without the media bias cheerleading heaped on top, the figures would be horrific to many.

Thanks Mayor Brainard — due to your lack of foresight into the world of unintended consequences, you and the rubber-stamp city council have managed to alter the demographics of our city permanently by allowing unfettered expansion of apartments into our world. You’re diluting the voices of the true taxpayers that want to see their city thrive through restrained spending and intelligent investment.

Carmel was once the destination for those espousing the conservative thought process and work ethic, and we built our schools, infrastructure and way of life by encouraging employers to locate here and build the tax base the right way. Not anymore. Remember, sir, the old adage that the seeds of ruin grow slowly at first.

James J. Smith, Carmel

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