Current Publishing

Fishers Arts Council offers virtual event

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The Fishers Arts Council will offer an interactive virtual Shop Fishers Small Business Saturday experience from 1 to 6 p.m. Nov. 28.

In previous years, the FAC provided the experience at Fishers City Hall. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will be virtual. There will be public artistic demonstrations by local artists, in which participants can learn about a variety of art forms and ask the artists real-time questions during their processes. Live interactive art classes will be offered.

Participants must sign up in advance and pick up their art kits Nov. 21 and Nov. 25. In addition to the demonstrations and art kits, the participating artists and artisans will sell their artwork.

To participate, visit, which will connect the participant with sign-up links for online classes, Zoom links for each hour’s artist demonstrations, artist demonstration explanations and external links to their online stores and social media. Links will be active through the end of the year.

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