Current Publishing

Noblesville resident writes book on giving thanks

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The cover image for Dustin Crowe’s new book. (Submitted photo)

Dustin Crowe

With Thanksgiving Day nearing, Dustin Crowe was convinced there is no better time to reflect on gratitude.

“It’s all too easy to only see the challenging and frustrating things in life,” Crowe said. “Or, we can live driven by the busyness of life or distracted by our phones and computers, and we miss out on so much going on in our life. While there are always reasons for grumbling, there are also always reasons for gratitude. My aim is to help readers live with more awareness of the gifts in our life, both in the ups and downs, and to celebrate them.”

The Noblesville resident’s second book, “The Grumbler’s Guide to Giving Thanks,” was published by Moody Publishers in October. Crowe is the pastor of discipleship at Pennington Park Church in Fishers.

“As I did a study evaluating what spiritual practices are emphasized in the Bible but ignored or left out of many of the books, sermons and conversations in churches, Thanksgiving rose to the top of the list,” he said. “The more I learned about gratitude, the more I understood how many practical benefits of it there are, including an awareness of God’s activity in our lives.”

Crowe wrote most of the book in 2019 before he knew all the things that were coming in 2020 that stirred grumbling and frustration in everyone’s lives. Each November, Crowe said he takes a month to intentionally read about and practice gratitude.

“This has been helpful for me in cultivating the habit of thanksgiving while I move toward Thanksgiving Day,” he said. “I’m hoping releasing this book around November can help others do the same.”

The book is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among other platforms.

His first book, “Finding Satisfaction in Christ: A Devotional Study of Colossians,” was published in May.

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