Current Publishing

Hamilton Southeastern School Board approves bonds

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The Hamilton Southeastern Schools Board of Trustees approved a series of general obligation bonds during its Oct. 14 meeting.

The first bond was for approximately $4 million to fund construction projects throughout the district, including replacing the gym flooring at Fall Creek, Sand Creek and Thorpe Creek elementary schools; moving a portable classroom from Thorpe Creek Elementary to Southeastern Elementary; reroofing two sections at Riverside Intermediate School; and miscellaneous maintenance projects such as replacing equipment, furniture and musical instruments; and roof maintenance, among other items.

The district’s budget can accommodate the bonds, and although the tax rate will be impacted, the debt rate will remain the same because the assessed valuation in the district is growing and other bond payments are falling off.

The board also approved two larger projects of more than $5.3 million: Renovating Fall Creek Junior High School, which has only had minor improvements since its construction in 1933, and renovating Fishers Junior High School. The goal is to bring the two junior high schools up to the standards of the district’s newer junior high schools. Renovations at Fall Creek Junior High School will include updating restrooms, installing new lighting, science lab improvements, creating a collaborative space and adding space to house the office and a secure entrance. Renovations at Fishers Junior High School include updating instructional spaces, new flooring, removal of wallpaper, new paint, improved lighting, an upgraded fire alarm system and upgraded restrooms, among other projects.

The board unanimously approved the bonds. For more, visit

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