Current Publishing

Longtime Hamilton County surveyor seeking reelection

Kenton Ward was first elected to the office of Hamilton County Surveyor in 1977. As he bids for reelection 43 years later, his enthusiasm for serving hasn’t waned.

If anything, it’s stronger.


“As a lifelong resident of Hamilton County, it has been an honor and privilege to serve the people of Hamilton County who call it home,” said Ward, a Noblesville resident. “The guiding principle behind everything I have done while serving as county surveyor is, how does it benefit the community?

“Because of this philosophy, I have been able to play a substantial role in helping to make Hamilton County one of the best places in the country to live, work and raise a family.”

Among other duties, the county surveyor is the technical advisor to the County Drainage Board, which maintains 1,446 miles of regulated drains in Hamilton County. In addition, the county surveyor administers the county’s section corner perpetuation program for its 1,800-plus corner monuments.

“The section corner program is one of those jobs that are unseen in the background of our daily lives,” said Ward, a Republican. “However, if you own property, it is very important. Without the section corners being perpetuated and monumented when that tract or plat is surveyed, the additional cost of establishing the corner for that survey would be passed on to the property owner.”

Ward, 66, who has experience in surveying, engineering, construction and public administration, is running against Democratic challenger Brad Beer, 45, a firmware engineer who also lives in Noblesville.

“I bring the education and experience needed for the position,” said Ward, who has associate and bachelor’s degrees from Purdue University and a master’s from Indiana University. “That, coupled with the knowledge gained from over 40 years of experience in the field.”

Ward and his wife, Robin, have been married for 44 years. They have an adult daughter, Kate Murray, who lives in Cicero, and an adult son, Alex, who lives in Noblesville.

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