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Thrive Social Club launches in Fishers

Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities now have a social club of their own. Thrive Social Club recently launched in Fishers and works to connect citizens of all abilities in the community to participate in life-enriching social activities. 

The club was founded by the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability and was the idea of committee member Mari Kennedy, who has an adult child with disabilities.

“We created Thrive to provide people of all abilities a welcoming and inclusive way to participate in all the social opportunities in Fishers,” Kennedy stated.


Fishers City Councilor and Chair of the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability Cecilia Coble stated the club can help fill the gap that exists after high school.

“My daughter Crysta will be 18 years old in a couple of weeks. After she graduates from high school, the inclusive social opportunities that are in place in a school setting are difficult to find,” Coble stated. “Many individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities find themselves very isolated and disconnected from the community. This social club will provide a way for people to meet, make friendships, find support and engage in community events.”

The club conducted a virtual callout meeting Sept. 28. The first club meetup was Oct. 3. For its first meeting, the club volunteered with park cleanup as part of Keep Fishers Beautiful.

“As human beings, we all want to feel connected with others and to participate in community events,” Coble stated. “The COVID-19 situation brought even more isolation to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Thrive Social Club will help us to connect with one another and engage in the community.”

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