Current Publishing

Column: Defund? No, help us fund fallen heroes’ survivors

Jason Peek

Commentary by Jason Peek

Defund the police, huh?  Yep, that’s really cute and in the top three – if not No. 1 – on the list of stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Keep in mind, I’m a barber of more than 19 years, and I have heard it all.

Here in Hamilton County, we love our police and first responders more than ever, and we will not even entertain the idea of not having them around.

In fact, when Carmel had protests, it was our police department whose officers were present to make sure participants didn’t get in harm’s way with traffic or people while they marched.

We’ve all seen what happens in other cities when they don’t let the police do their jobs. Crime skyrockets quickly. People die, and what happens to women is unmentionable in this space. Not on my watch!

My business, Main Street Barber Shop, is taking donations of checks and cash in our First Responders Bucket, which will be donated to The Indiana Fallen Heroes Foundation to help Hoosier families with costs related to a hero who has died in the line of duty.  The funds will help families with unforeseen costs in the wakes of their losses.

We welcome all citizens and businesses to donate to this wonderful organization by swinging by the shop, 41 W. Main St., Carmel, and filling the bucket. We have, in fact, already started this effort and will continue this through the end of September. I encourage everyone who reads this to spread the word to help raise awareness of this cause.

Hamilton County will show support for our public servants that put their lives on the line when called to duty, and we will not defund or bash our heroes. Instead, we will watch out for them. And never hesitate to say thank you to a first responder and give him or her a smile, for they do not ask for much when putting their lives on the line on our behalf.

Thank you for your support!

Jason Peek is an occasional Current columnist and the owner of Main Street Barber Shop. To contact him, email or call 317-846-8455.

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