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Noblesville High School student places birdhouses for Girl Scout Gold Award

Gabriella Chambers pauses with the birdhouses she has collected. (Submitted photo)

Gabriella Chambers’ love of eastern bluebirds fueled her desire to place more birdhouses.

“Predators are threatening their existence,” Chambers said. “By putting up more birdhouses, it will help to improve the population. I also want to be a veterinarian because I want to help animals, and this was a good way to help them.”

Chambers, who will be a Noblesville High School sophomore in August, decided to make the project the focus of her Girl Scout Gold Award, the equivalent of the Eagle Scout for Boy Scouts.

“Getting the funds via my GoFundMe page to purchase the houses and supplies is essential,” said Chambers, a member of Troop 757 in Noblesville. “Watching birds is good for mental health based on research I found while investigating my project, and it adds a little bit of positivity that we could all use right now. I will be installing at least 35 or more birdhouses around the community and plan to get more with any additional donations. This should help the bluebird population over the next several years.

“I’m excited to see how many birds use the houses. I’ll be following up with those who have the houses to see the impact it has made.”

The birdhouses will be distributed primarily in Noblesville, surrounding areas and Cool Creek Park. The distribution will be in various neighborhoods. There will be one on display at Noblesville’s Hamilton East Public Library children’s section. Chambers said she is working with the Hamilton Parks Dept. to find other public areas to hang the birdhouses.

“Cool Creek Park has agreed to accept a bird chart and binoculars for birdwatching at the park,” she said. “If there are any funds remaining after buying as many birdhouses as possible, the remainder will be donated to the local Audubon Society.”

Chambers has been working on the project, which requires 80 hours, since the start of spring.

“I have always wanted to complete my Gold Award and have been determined to continue in Girl Scouts, even when my peers dropped out of it,” she said.

Chambers has a goal of raising $800 for the project. For her GoFundMe page, visit

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