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Letter: Time to stop blaming Black community

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The piece by Matt Rowe is a Facebook post, at best. Your decision to publish the biased pouting of a “pull up your bootstraps,, out-of-touch writer is completely tone deaf.

Fatherless homes? Poverty? Drug addiction? These are social results of systemic racism, not moral failings. Mr. Rowe is clearly uneducated on the root causes of these problems and has chosen to cherry-pick data to support his beliefs.

The Black Lives Matter movement is not just about police aggression/killings. That issue is the tip of the iceberg and heavily supported by data showing Blacks are far more likely to be stopped by police for no reason whatsoever.

There is so much work to be done in America, and people like Matt Rowe have nothing to add to the conversation. “It’s THEIR fault” is a tired narrative whose end has come.

Please catch up with the rest of us.

Lori Fulk, Carmel

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