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Letter: White Americans must recognize double standard

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Matt Rowe says (in a June 30 column) he wants “anyone proven guilty held accountable,” then uses the same tired statistics to imply that it’s mostly blacks who are guilty of just about everything. As someone once said, “There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”

While statistics often show Black America in an unfavorable light, the real question is, why do the stats seem so unbalanced? The answer is racism. The Black America of today was built by white America, law by segregationist law, lynching by lynching, through the course of 400 years. Do Blacks abuse drugs? Yes. So do white teenagers in Carmel, but I don’t hear anyone suggesting that heroin addiction is only what you’d expect from white upper-class teens. Are Blacks dependent on welfare? How many white Carmelites collected COVID stimulus checks or unemployment benefits this year? How many went to college on cheap government loans? How many are absentee fathers? Until white Americans wake up to the double standard we have created here, our society will not move forward.

Jim Kraft, Carmel

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