Current Publishing

Lexington Farms residents upset with HOA’s vote to exterminate geese in neighborhood

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Some residents in Lexington Farms are upset with the HOA’s plan to exterminate geese in the neighborhood. (Submitted photo)

Some Carmel residents in Lexington Farms are upset with a plan to exterminate geese in the neighborhood.

Danyel Boersma, who lived in the neighborhood for 15 years and returns frequently to pet sit for some of the residents, said the homeowner’s association board voted 3-2 to exterminate the Canadian geese. She said a survey sent to the residents after the vote showed that 60 percent were against the plan to kill the geese, with many more undecided. But the board wouldn’t budge, she said.

“We pay high fees to live down there. With the money that’s being spent on different projects in the neighborhood, the residents should have a voice on how that’s being spent,” Boersma said. “To have a board decide it without the opinions of the residents is beyond me. There are lots of people in the neighborhood who are outraged.”

Current reached out to members of the HOA board for comment but had not received a response as of press time.

Boersma said the geese come to the neighborhood each year to have their babies but eventually relocate elsewhere. She said they are not aggressive and don’t cause any problems beyond droppings.

“These are the most mellow geese you will ever see,” she said.

Boersma said she believes other options to manage the geese should have been considered, such as dogs whose presence scares them away, statues or pond treatments that discourage them from nesting there.

“There’s other options available,” Boersma said.

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