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Letter: Vote for Thornton

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As an independent voter, I look for people who are driven by the desire to serve. A servant leadership mentality. Someone who possesses that trait is the kind of person who winds up being one of our best leaders. Now, at a critical point in our history, we need our best leaders, regardless of party affiliation. People who are focused on representing the various views of the people. Residents of the 5th Congressional District have the opportunity to put in place a “best leader” we need now. That person we need is Dee Thornton as your congressional representative for the 5th Congressional District in Indiana.

Take the first step in putting Dee in place. Vote for Dee Thornton in the Indiana Democratic primary. 

This isn’t about party affiliation. It’s about sending our best. Someone who can dialogue with people of various viewpoints. Someone who will work in the spirit of servant leadership to create options to addressing the issues we all face in our lives. Let’s send Dee to Congress.

Arnell Hill, McCordsville

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