Current Publishing

Carmel Coast Guard veteran pens book on attaining success

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Carmel resident Darin Bibeau recently authored a book, “Back to Bulletproof: A Warrior’s Tactical Guide to Success.” (Submitted photo)

By Sam Montgomery

Former U.S. Coast Guard TACLET-South Team 401, entrepreneur, public speaker and first-time author, Carmel resident Darin Bibeau has accomplished a lot in his life.

Carmel resident Darin Bibeau is a U.S. Coast Guard veteran. (Submitted photo)

He recently published the book “Back to Bulletproof: A Warrior’s Tactical Guide to Success,” a collection of stories about his time in the U.S. Coast Guard as well as lessons regarding personal and professional growth. Bibeau was inspired to write the book by his experience as a public speaker.

“I do a lot of public speaking and I’ve been to a lot of different places in the country, so a lot of people would ask me, ‘Do you have a book?’ And I’d say no, and they said I should write a book, so after hearing that so many times, I decided that I was going to do it,” Bibeau said.

Bibeau’s Coast Guard service instilled in him a strong work ethic that he said is  attainable for anyone.

“The whole premise behind the book is to get you to be the best self you are,” he said. “If that means you have to get back to where you used to be or get to a place that you’d never been, there’s always opportunity out there and you just have to take advantage of that opportunity. I think everyone has an opportunity to be better at whatever they do.”

Bibeau hopes that people who read the book become inspired to become their best selves.

“Stop making excuses because it doesn’t matter. You’re making excuses why you can’t do something, and at the end of the day, you can do it,” Bibeau said. “You just have to make the decision to do it and then take whatever corrective action that is necessary.”

Learn more and purchase the book at

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