Current Publishing

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation to furlough 471 employees

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Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation will furlough 471 employees beginning April 18 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most of the furloughed positions are part-time, although it includes 24 full-time roles. CCPR will continue to pay for health insurance for the furloughed full-time employees.

“The realities we face during these unprecedented times require us to make some very difficult decisions. Decisions I sincerely wish we did not have to make. It is our hope, and we remain optimistic, that the furlough is temporary and we can bring our people back as soon as possible,” Michael Klitzing, CCPR director of parks and recreation, stated in a press release. “While I cannot predict when things will get back to normal, or what the new normal will look like, I do know we will get through this. When we do, the programs and services Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation provides will be even more important for our community.”

The governor’s stay-at-home order has left most CCPR programs and facilities closed since March 12. Without revenue coming in from user fees and memberships, CCPR is unable to cover payroll and other operating expenses.

CCPR is aiming to eventually return all of the furloughed employees to their positions.

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